[22] Moody, E.K., Y. Astudillo-Scalia, A. La Porte, *C. Swanson, J.R. Corman. 2019. Consumption of animal carcasses by the putative leaf shredder Phylloicus mexicanus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae). The Southwestern Naturalist 63(1):76-80.
[21] Corman, J.R., S.L. Collins, E. Cook, X. Dong, L. Gherardi, N.B. Grimm, R.L. Hale, T. Lin, J. Ramos, L. Reichmann, O. Sala. 2019. Foundations and frontiers of ecosystem science: Legacy of a classic paper (Odum 1969), Ecosystems, 22:1160-1172.
[20] Walsh, J.R., J.R. Corman, S.E. Munoz. 2019. Coupled long-term limnological data and sedimentary records reveal new control on water quality in a eutrophic lake. Limnology & Oceanography, 64(S1):S34-S48.
[19] *Berolet, B.L., J.R. Corman, N.J. Casson, S.D. Sebestyen, R.K. Kolka, and E.H. Stanley. 2018. Influence of soil temperature and moisture on the dissolved carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in organic matter entering lake ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, doi.org/10.1007/s10533-018-0469-3
[18] Corman, J.R., *B.L. Bertolet, N.J. Casson, S.D. Sebestyen, R.K. Kolka, and E.H. Stanley. 2018. Nitrogen and phosphorus loads to temperate seepage lakes associated with allochthonous dissolved organic carbon loads. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, doi.org/10.1029/2018GL077219
[17] Moody, E.K., E.W. Carson, J.R. Corman, H. Espinosa-Perez, J. Ramos, J.L. Sabo, and J.J. Elser. 2018. Consumption explains intraspecific variation in nutrient recycling stoichiometry in a desert fish. Ecology 99(7): 1552-1561.
[16] Hayes, N.M., B.R. Deemer, J.R. Corman, N. Roxanna Razavi, and K.E. Strock. 2017. Key Differences Between Lakes and Reservoirs Modify Climate Signals: A Case for a New Conceptual Model. Limnology & Oceanography Letters 2(2): 47-62.
[15] Corman, J.R., E. Moody, and J.J. Elser. 2016. Calcium carbonate deposition drives nutrient cycling in a calcareous headwater stream. Ecological Monographs 86(4): 448-461.
[14] Corman, J.R., A. Poret-Peterson, *A. Glukhova, and J.J. Elser. 2016. Interaction between lithification and resource availability in the microbialites of Río Mesquites, Cuatro Ciénegas, México. Geobiology 14(2): 176-189.
[13] Winslow, L.A., J.A. Zwart, R.D. Batt, H. Dugan, R.I. Woolway, J.R. Corman, P.C. Hanson, and J.S. Read. 2016. LakeMetabolizer: An R package for estimating lake metabolism from free-water oxygen using diverse statistical models. Inland Waters 6(4): 622-636.
[12] Moody, E.M., J.R. Corman, and M.T. Bogan. 2016. Caught between a rock and a hard mineral encrustation: Long-lived aquatic invertebrates accumulate calcium carbonate deposits in a montane desert stream. Western North American Naturalist 76(2): 172-179.
[11] Dugan, H.A., R.I. Woolway, A.B. Santoso, J.R. Corman, A. Jaimes, E.R. Nodine, V.P. Patil, J.A. Zwart, J.A. Bentrup, A.L. Hetherington, S.K. Oliver, J.S. Read, K.M. Winters, P.C. Hanson, E.K. Read, L.A. Winslow, and K.C. Weathers. 2016. Consequences of gas flux model choice on the interpretation of metabolic balance across 15 lakes. Inland Waters 6(4): 581-592.
[10] Modenutti, B., E. Balseiro, M. Bastidas Navarro, Z. Lee, J.R. Corman, and J. Elser. 2016. Effects of volcanic pumice inputs on microbial community composition and dissolved C/P ratios in lake waters: an experimental approach. Microbial Ecology 71(1): 18-28.
[9] Corman, J.R., E.K. Moody, and J.J. Elser. 2015. Stoichiometric impact of calcium carbonate deposition on nitrogen and phosphorus supplies in three montane streams. Biogeochemistry 126(3): 285-300.
[8] Corman, J.R., E. Carlson, M. Dix, N. Girón, A. Roegner, J. Veselá, S. Chandra, J. Elser, and E. Rejmánková. 2015. Nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton resource limitation in a deep tropical-montane lake. Inland Waters 5(4): 371-386.
[7] Lee, Z.M., L. Steger, J. R. Corman, A. Poret-Peterson, V. Souza, and J. J. Elser. 2015. Response of a stoichiometrically imbalanced ecosystem to manipulation of nutrient supplies and ratios. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123949, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123949.
[6] Elser, J.J., M. Bastidas Navarro, J.R. Corman, H. Emick, M. Kellom, C. Laspoumaderes, Z. Lee, A. Poret-Peterson, E. Balseiro, and B. Modenutti. 2015. Evaluation of microbial community structure and biogeochemical impacts of life on floating pumice. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(5): 1542-49.
[5] Read, E.K., V. Patil, S.K. Oliver, A.L. Hetherington, J.A. Brentrup, J.A. Zwart, K.M. Winters, J.R. Corman, E.R. Nodine, R.I. Woolway, H.A. Dugan, A. Jaimes, A.B. Santoso, G.S. Hong, L.A. Winslow, P.C. Hanson, and K.C. Weathers. 2015. The importance of lake-specific characteristics for water quality across the continental US. Ecological Applications 25(4): 943 - 955.
[4] Moody, E.M., J.R. Corman, J.J. Elser, and J. Sabo. 2015. Diet elemental composition and consumption rate affect fish excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus. Freshwater Biology 60(3): 456-465.
[3] Metson, G.M, R.L. Hale, D.M. Iwaniec, E.M. Cook, J.R. Corman, C.S. Galletti, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Phosphorus in Phoenix: a Budget and Spatial Representation of Phosphorus in an Urban Ecosystem. Ecological Applications 22(2):705–721.
[2] Childers, D.L., J.R. Corman, M. Edwards, and J.J. Elser. 2011. Sustainability challenges of phosphorus and food: solutions from closing the human phosphorus cycle. Bioscience 61(2): 117-124.
[1] Corman, J.R., P.B. McIntyre, B. Kuboja, W. Mbemba, D. Fink, C.W. Wheeler, C. Gans, E. Michel and A.S. Flecker. 2010. Upwelling couples chemical and biological dynamics across the littoral and pelagic zones of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Limnology & Oceanography 55(1): 214-224.
[3] Corman, J.R., B.R. Deemer, N.M. Hayes, I. Gregory-Eaves, N.R. Razavi, K.E. Strock, and K. Turgeon. 2016. Lake and Reservoir Management Made a Splash at the 2016 ASLO Summer Meeting. Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin.
[2] Syers, K., M. Bekunda, D. Cordell, J.R. Corman, J. Johnston, A. Rosemarin, and I. Salcedo. 2010. “Phosphorus and Food Production.” UNEP Year Book, p. 35 – 46.
[1] Skog, J., R. McCourt, and J.R. Corman. 2009. The NSF Scientific Collections Survey: A Brief Overview of Findings. United States National Science Foundation. Accessible from <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2009/nsf09044/nsf09044.pdf>.
Books and Book Chapters
[3] Corman, J.R. and Elser, J.J. Life on a stoichiometry knife edge: Biogeochemical interactions and trophic interactions in stromatolites in Rio Mesquites. 2018. Invited chapter in: Ecosystem Ecology and Geochemistry of Cuatro Cienegas (F. García-Oliva, J. Elser, V. Souza, editors). Springer, Cham, 167 pp.
[3] Moody, E.K., E.W. Carson, J. R. Corman, and H. Espinosa-Perez. Animal-mediated nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin. 2018. Invited chapter in: Ecosystem Ecology and Geochemistry of Cuatro Cienegas (F. García-Oliva, J. Elser, V. Souza, editors). Springer, Cham, 167 pp.
[2] Elser, J.J., N.I. Chan, J.R. Corman, and J. Stoltzfus. Save the P(ee)! The challenges of phosphorus sustainability and emerging solutions. 2017. Invited chapter in: Health, Nutrition and Regulatory Aspects of Dietary Phosphorus (J. Uribarri and M.S. Calvo, editors). CRC Press, 372 pp.
[1] Wyant, K, J.R. Corman, and J.J. Elser, Eds. 2013. Phosphorus, Food, and Our Future. Oxford University Press, New York City, New York, USA.